Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

laughter is good for the body

Scientists in Britain said proved that laughter, loud and long, to be good for our bodies. Professor Robin Dunbar is an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Oxford. Research on laughter, as cited VoAnews, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences. Dunbar examines volunteers to see how their bodies react to funny things and to things that are fun, although not necessarily to be funny. He showed the video to the object of his research. At first, they watch programs like sports, then they were shown video clips which is really funny for fifteen minutes, a television program designed to make people laugh hard. After completion of this program, Dunbar examine their reactions to pain. He put ice on the hands of the volunteers to find out how long they can withstand the extreme cold. Some volunteer arm squeezed hard ..... and harder. Some of them asked to use the gymnastics equipment to make them move faster and faster. Dunbar found that people who laugh loud and long able to withstand pain 10 percent longer than the other. He concluded that when we laugh so hard - some call it a laugh from the belly - our brain to release chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are not just causing a sense of fun, but also reduces pain.
How volunteers are laughing, it is also important. Poor ... giggling or laughing "ha, ha, ha" simple does not have a significant impact. A loud laugh from the belly, in turn, causes the release of endorphins in greater numbers and ease the pain a lot more. Scientists argue that the endorphins produced in the greatest amount when we laugh cause abdominal muscles to move hard. When this happens, people usually say "I can not stop laughing, until the abdominal pain" Professor Dunbar also believe that laughter is important for our ancestors thousands of years ago. He called it "an early mechanism for social bonding glue". He said that laughter helps people to form groups that are increasingly large.

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